St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
I hope you have had a good half term week.  I know lots of you enjoyed the events at Manchester Science Week.  Last half term ended on a real high.  All the children rose to the House Challenges and a great time was had by all.  Every member of staff commented on how proud they were of the children.  As well as that the girls football team came second in the High Peak Final and they won the ‘Respect Award’ for the team showing the most respect.  As the children said I would be, I was most proud of this award.  Well done to all the girls who took part.
Congratulations also go to our cross country runners who continue to do well Rose Barlow came 3rd and Lily-Belle Bloomer 19th out of 53 under 11s.  Lily Barlow came 7th out of 60 under 9s.
On Monday the Merlin’s and Eagles had an amazing Anglo-Saxon / Viking day with a visiting historian.  They milked sheep, prepared burial ships, made jewellery, took part in archaeological digs and learned so much about life in that era.
Club news – Computer Club will start this Monday 10th November.  There will be no football club on Wednesday 12th.  Cookery Club is cancelled on 13th as Miss Byron has a meeting that afternoon.  On Tuesday 18th all the staff have a cluster meeting so film, gardening and science clubs will be cancelled, PAS will still be on.
Friday 14th is shaping up to be a busy day Kestrels will be leading the assembly at 9.00.  Please join us if you can.  It is Year Four Sleep Over Night.  It is also Children in Need.  This year we are having a ‘bonkers bottoms’ day.  The children come to school in their school uniform on the top half but can wear whatever they like on their bottom half for a donation to children in Need.  They could wear jazzy trousers or tights, tutus, shorts, pyjama bottoms, anything!
I have had a complaint from one of our neighbours about parking.  Please remember to park legally and considerately.   She was complaining about people parking right up to the junction between Ashley Avenue and Spire Hollin.  She also talked about drivers getting cross with people coming the other way when trying to get along Spire Hollin.  I know, like all schools, at drop off and pick up time it is very busy outside school.  Everyone just needs to have a little patience.
Remembrance Poppies are available in school for a donation to The British legion.
St Luke’s Church is holding a Remembrance Exhibition this weekend.  It has memorabilia, displays, French Café, period vehicles and more.  It will be open 12 – 4 on Saturday, on Sunday there will be a service at 10.00 and then the exhibition will be open until 4.
Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys will be delighting us with their Christmas Play 5.30 on 9th, 2.30 10th, 5.30 11th December.  Do put the dates in your diary.  A letter about tickets will come out nearer the time.

Yours Sincerely
Alice Littlehailes