St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Congratulations go out to our cross country runners who were fleet of foot on Tuesday.  Everyone ran well.  The lower junior Boys Team came first.

The Eagles had an amazing trip to Castleton despite the torrential rain.  They all returned full of what a fabulous day it had been.

Tomorrow is Children in Need day.  We are wearing bonkers bottoms.  Come in normal school uniform on the top half but whatever you like on the bottom.  For the privilege of coming dressed in this way please send a donation.

Tomorrow Kestrels will be leading our Friday Assembly please join us if you can.  Eagles will be leading it on Friday 21st.

Friday is the night of the Year Four Sleep Over I know everyone is really looking forward to it.  We will see the children back at school at 6pm.

On Wednesday 19th our Prime Minister, Deputy and Chancellor are invited to Charlesworth for the Glossop Pupil Forum.  This is an opportunity for pupils from the local schools to meet together and talk about the issues that matter to them.

Remember Years 3 and 6 are going out for their trip to Quarry Bank Mill on Friday 21st November.  If you have not yet sent in the permission slip please do as soon as possible. If your child is in receipt of free school meals and you would like us to provide a packed lunch please let us know by Wednesday.

On Tuesday 18th November all the staff have a cluster meeting so film, gardening and science clubs will be cancelled, PAS will still be on.

If your child is part of the school choir please could you return the letter about availability for performances, even if it is to tell us they are not available.  We have organisers asking us for details we cannot give because we don’t know who will be singing.

Hopefully you will have seen the flyer about the non-uniform day on Friday 28th November.  Children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are asked to bring in a donation for the chocolate tombola.  The older children have been asked for gifts for the wrapping stall.  These are items your child can buy and we will wrap them so they can secretly give them to family members for Christmas.  Please make every effort to bring in your donation on the day as they will be collected and organised in readiness for the Christmas fair the following week.

Please send in any photo orders by Monday as they are being picked up on Tuesday 18th.

Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes