St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We are having a very exciting week as the anticipation around Christmas grows:

  • The choir sang beautifully in Glossop on Saturday. Thank you to everyone who supported them or made this possible.
  • The children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys are busy preparing for their production next week. Tickets including requests for extras went out yesterday. If you did not get yours please let us know. There are a few spare tickets remaining if you would like some let us know. For the early evening performances on Tuesday and Thursday the children need to be back at school between 5 and 5.15. Doors will open at 5pm. I don’t yet know how long it will be, but I anticipate it being about half to three quarters of an hour.
  • On Tuesday the children accepted our House Christmas Tree Making Challenge. This was fun but also involved the children developing the teamwork and creative skills employers are asking for. The results are stunning. If you get the chance to pop into the hall to see them do. In case you can’t here are some photos.


  • It is the Christmas Fair on Friday 5.30-7.30. The children are getting ever more excited about this. They are decorating baubles to sell, practising to sing in the choir and talking about what they will do. Father Christmas has sent a message to say he will be there and you can book a time to visit his grotto as you arrive. I hope to see lots of you there.

Remember this is the last swim of the term.  After school clubs finish this week.  Tomorrow is the last toast Friday of the term as next week is Christmas Dinner and the following Friday is our carol service at St Luke’s Church.

To make things easier here is a dates list:

5th December              Last toast,                 Christmas Fair 5.30 -7.30         after school clubs finish.

9th                          Christmas Play 5.30

10th                         Christmas Play 2.30

11th                          Christmas Play 5.30

12th                         Harriers Violin Assembly 9am     Christmas dinner  Last posting day for Santa letters.


15th                         Orchestral Assembly 9am

16th                         Merlin’s & Eagle’s Party

17th                          Swimming Gala am                          Harrier’s & Kite’s Party

18th                         Osprey’s, Peregrine’s & Kestrel’s Party

19th                         Carol Service in St Luke’s Church 9.20ish

Finish for Christmas

5th January                School reopens.

Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes