St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I have been so proud of the children performing in The Selfish Giant.  They have tried so hard and learnt so much.  Thank you to everyone who has come along to support them.

The Christmas Fair was a lovely occasion last Friday.  A big thank you to everyone who made it such a special night; by helping on a stall, helping before it or by coming along and supporting it.  It was great to see school full of people enjoying spending time together.

The boys rounded off their football season on a cold wet night by winning one match, drawing one match and coming second in one match.  Well done to everyone who played.  We owe a huge thank you to all the parents who gave up their time to transport the boys and stand on the touch line.  A special thank you goes out to Mr Dunkerley who has given up so much of his time to train the boys.

This Friday Harriers Class will be delighting us with their first violin assembly, just after 9am. I do hope you will be able to come along and support them. On Monday we have another musical treat when the orchestra and the flautists will be playing for us in assembly, just after 9am.  If you are free they would love your support.

Next week is party week.  On the day of your child’s party they can come in party clothes or bring them to change into at lunchtime.  Do remember though that they will be having a normal morning and need to be warm enough and able to do their work without worrying about their clothes.  Y5/6 party is on Tuesday 16th, Y3/4 on Wednesday 17th and Reception/1/2 on Thursday 18th.

It is the carol service on Friday 19th we look forward to seeing lots of you in St Luke’s Church to celebrate the festive season.  The service will start at about 9.20-30.  I cannot be accurate because whilst some children will meet in church most of the school will register at school and then walk over to church.

School finishes on Friday 19th at the normal time.

I have noticed that school uniform is slipping with a number of children wearing tops that aren’t red and trainers not school shoes.  I know that sometimes it is unavoidable but please try to send the children in wearing uniform.

This time of year when the children are inside for more of the time seemed an appropriate moment to raise the issue of social media.  I am aware that despite non of our pupils being eligible to have Facebook accounts, as you have to be 13 to set one up, a number have a presence on this or other social media sites.  The sites with age restrictions often contain content or adverts that are inappropriate for children below these ages.  If your child has supplied a false date of birth and obtained a page please be very aware of what they are saying, seeing, posting and revealing about themselves.  We want all our pupils to be safe in the virtual as well as the real world.

We have a child wanting to try out learning the guitar for which they need a ¾ size guitar.  Understandably their parents do not want to purchase one until he decides whether or not he really wants to pursue it. If you have a ¾ size guitar you would be willing to lend out please tell the office, I know the family would be very grateful.

Alice Littlehailes