St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I have been so proud of the children this year.  They have remained focused and well behaved through all the Christmas excitement.  Christmas dinner was lovely, a credit to Mrs Howe and her team.  All the parties have been a pleasure to be at, something you cannot always say.

The children should be bringing home a small bag given to them by St Luke’s Church.

It is the carol service tomorrow Friday 19th we look forward to seeing lots of you in St Luke’s Church to celebrate the festive season.  The service will start at about 9.20-30.  I cannot be accurate because whilst some children will meet in church most of the school will register at school and then walk over to church.

School finishes on Friday 19th at the normal time.  We restart on Monday 5th January.  The children will need their PE kits in that day.

Eagles will start swimming on Thursday 8th January.  Please make sure you have returned the swimming forms.

Clubs will restart the week beginning 12th January.

Dinner money for next term will be £48.75 to February half term, £56.55 from then until Easter making it £105.30 for the whole term.

Two exciting dates to put in your diary.  On Friday 30th January Merlins will be performing at Buxton Opera House as part of their Dance Festival.  Tickets available from the Opera House. On Saturday 7th March Harriers and Eagles will be performing with Kinder Children’s Choir at Buxton Pavillion Gardens at 3pm.

I hope you all have a lovely holiday and I wish you all the best for 2015.


Alice Littlehailes