St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Let me start with two apologies I failed to put the date of the PTA quiz on last week’s newsletter, how could I forget such a fabulous event, details below. I also made an error on the letter about Harriers and Eagles concert.  The date is the 7th of March.  Note to self – do not get distracted half way through editing a letter.  If your child is in Harriers or Eagles and you have not yet returned the form on the bottom of this letter please do so as soon as possible.

The number of children regularly arriving late at school is increasing.  The children hate being late it unsettles them and disrupts the rest of the class.  Whilst we understand that occasionally life gets in the way of punctuality being late on a regular basis is not acceptable.  Please ensure your children are in class ready to start learning by 9am.

There will be no family assembly this Friday as we will be meeting together in the afternoon to find out what everyone has been learning during RE week.  Next week, 23rd January, Merlins Class will be leading the assembly.

The total raised by you all at the Christmas fair is in, it is an amazing £1112.76.  Well done to everyone who organised, helped and supported this event.  The next PTA event is the Quiz night:

The PTA Quiz Night is back by popular demand with St. Luke’s very own  Quizmaster Quirk.  Join us on Friday 30th January, 7.30pm-10.30pm in  school.  Tickets, £3 per person, go on sale on Monday 19th January from the school office.  For an additional £3 per person you can order a chippy supper.  Maximum 6 people per team, but no need to come prepared as these can be organised on the night.  Bring your own drinks (wine glasses provided) and enjoy an entertaining evening of friendly fun.  Adults only.

Talking of fundraising; one the parents in school has set himself a real challenge.  He is going to run or walk 10k every day in February to raise money for Mummy’s Star.  This is a local charity to support women and their families who are diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy or with a baby under one year.  If you would like to sponsor Ian Brooker or join him the charities details are and facebook page

If your resolution for January was to take a little bit more exercise there are classes in the evening at school, including a new one on Mondays.  All the classes cost £5 a session with discounts for block bookings or attending two classes in one night.  With these classes you also get a workout for your sense of humour as they involve lots of laughter.

Monday 6.30 Body Tone – aiming to tone muscles and aid overall fitness.

Wednesday 6.00 Pilates Condition and Stretch

7.00 Aerotone Conditioning

8.00 Pilates Condition and Stretch

Alice Littlehailes