St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Well the weather has certainly made a difference over the last week.  Well done to everyone who made it safely to school through the snow, and even more impressively across the ice.  I know the children have been very frustrated at being kept in since Monday, as they had such fun playing out in the snow last week, but the playgrounds are not safe.  We are so lucky to have Keith who has cleared a good path so people can get into school without having to go on the ice.

The Merlin’s performance was a victim of the weather. Buxton Opera House had to cancel the performance as so many other schools were closed.  They are trying to reschedule the event for later in the year.

The PTA quiz night still went ahead and was enjoyed by all.  Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this event not just possible but a triumph.

The PTA meeting this week was well attended, it was lovely to see people coming along for the first time.  The plans are now in place for the next disco on Friday 20th February.  It has a theme of red.  The PTA has changed the date of the Easter Raffle and Tea.  It will now be on Tuesday 24th March.

Peregrine Class are leading our assembly on Friday 6th February and Harriers on Friday 20th please join us if you can.

We finish for half term on Friday.  School will reopen on Monday 16th February. Remember the popcorn sale on Friday – weather permitting.

The next bag to school collection is on Friday 27th February.  This is an opportunity for you to clear out all your old textiles and shoes and help raise money for school.  You will be given a blue bag to fill but any bin bag will do.  The collection will be in the morning of the 27th any time after nine.

Class photos will be on Wednesday 25th February.

Good luck to all the children in the House Verse Speaking Competition tomorrow.

Alice Littlehailes