St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It seems a long time ago now but the end of last half term was a very successful one.  The Sports Hall Athletics teams did very well.  They worked well as a team, thought tactically and came first.  Congratulations to them.  House verse speaking was great.  The children did such a good job.  It was fascinating to see how the different houses tackled the same poem and how they presented their own poem.  Well done to Willow house who won the competition and thank you to you who helped the children learn the poems.

The children have come back ready to learn having had a good break.  Lots of them have been enthusiastically writing prayer suggestions for St Luke’s Church.  It is Education Sunday this Sunday and the children’s ideas will form part of the service.  The service is at 10am and everyone is welcome.

Tomorrow, 20th February, Harriers will be leading our Assembly.  Eagles will be leading it on Friday 27th.  As always, everyone is very welcome to join us.

Tomorrow is a very busy day because the Girls Football team start their tournament, we wish them luck.  It is also the PTA disco 5 – 6.30.

Remember it is class photos on Wednesday 25th February, so it is guaranteed your child will get breakfast and toothpaste down their front that morning!

I sent out a new dates list on Monday because there have been a number of changes.  If you have not received a copy please let us know.

On the dates list is an event we haven’t done before the House Enterprise Afternoon Wednesday 4th March.  This is an opportunity for the children to learn about finance and budgeting, to work together as a team and to raise money for others.  The money raised will go to a village in Bangladesh to be seed money for them to start their own businesses. If they can afford to stay in the village it will give their children a better start in life because they won’t be living in slums and they will be able to go to school.  These are the arrangements:

  • On the afternoon the stalls will be open from 2 – 4. You are invited to come at any point within those times.
  • The children will be given the opportunity to visit the stalls with their housemates between 2 and 3. If you would like to support the event by sending them in with some money to spend I know the children would be grateful.
  • The children can be picked up at the normal time from their normal door. We would ask that you don’t try to take the children from the hall because we need to be sure everyone is accounted for.
  • If you would like to visit the stalls with your child after school it would help make the event a success.
  • Some of the older children will be needed to staff the stalls after school. If you are happy for them to volunteer to do this do let them know. Once the rotas have been sorted we will send letters home with those who have volunteered.


Alice Littlehailes