St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

There is such a lot to celebrate this week and more to come.

A huge well done to the Sportshall Athletics Squad who have made it through to the county final.  They will be going down to Derby on 24th March to represent the High Peak.

The children did an amazing job on enterprise afternoon and raised just over £300.  Not only will this make a huge difference to the villages in Bangladesh we are supporting but the children learned a lot.  I was very impressed with their team work, problem solving and communication skills.  These are all the skills employers say are lacking in school leavers. I am confident our children are developing them.

Today is World Book Day.  Thank you again to Lily Barlow who donated her pirate experience to St Luke’s I am sure the children will enjoy a piratical day.  Your child should be bringing home a book token which can be exchanged for a special World book day Book or used as £1 off a book.  This is a present to the children from the booksellers of this country.  We are very grateful to them.

As if that wasn’t enough excitement for one week Saturday sees the choir singing with Kinder Choir.  They will meet at Buxton Pavillion Garden’s Octagon at 9.50 in uniform with their packed lunch.  Please make sure they have had a drink and a good breakfast as singing is hard work.  We will look after the children until after the concert that starts at 3.00.  Tickets should be sent home today, if they haven’t got to you let us know.  Thank you to everyone who offered lifts I have sent home requests as needed.  If you haven’t managed to make contact with the family involved please let us know.  The office will be open tomorrow.

Tomorrow 6th March is an INSET day when the school is closed to children for staff training.

Next Monday 9th March we have a short parents meeting for those going on the residential to Whitby at 6pm.

Thursday 12th March is going to be a Glossop wide bug busting day.  We will be asking all the families in Glossop to check their heads for head lice and treat them if found.  If we all do it together there is more chance of us reducing the incidence of them.

Thursday 12th sees the Peregrines taking part in a Glossop dance session at Glossopdale School.

Friday 13th is Red Nose Day wear something red or make your face funny or both.

Kestrels Class will be leading our assembly on Friday 13th please join us if you can.  It is also the gymnastics competition on that afternoon and the next fixture for the girls football team.

You should get a parents evening letter today.  Please fill in as many boxes as possible as it can be very hard to accommodate everyone.  Please note the times for Kite’s class are different on the Tuesday as Mrs McLaren has an appointment elsewhere.  She will be available 1.15 – 2.45pm and on Wednesday at the same times as everyone else.

I have had a plea from Glossopdale Food Bank.  They are running low on food if anyone could send into school canned or dried food they would be very grateful.

Alice Littlehailes