St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I cannot believe how quickly this term is going events that seemed to be a long way in the future are nearly upon us.

Today is a Glossop wide Bug Busting Day.  All the schools in Glossop are asking everyone to check their heads tonight and treat the head lice if they are found.  If we all do it on the same night we stand a better chance against them.  The problem is if the children here are cleared on Thursday and then they go to dance or football on Saturday and meet up with a child from another school they could be re-infected and bring them back to us.  You get the picture.  Your child should be bringing home a detection comb to help.  The best way to check for head lice is to wash the person’s hair put conditioner on and before you rinse it off use the comb to look for lice.  If you find a live louse – do not panic!  You can treat them in two ways; by using an insecticide treatment available from chemists or supermarkets or by combing.  If you use an insecticide you must retreat as it instructs or else you will get rid of the live lice but not the eggs so when they hatch the child (or adult) will still have lice.  The combing method is to use conditioner as above, make sure you get rid of all the live lice then repeat every four days until you get two consecutive clear combings.  Is your head itching now? Mine is.

Tomorrow is Red Nose Day.  We are having fun and raising money in several ways:

Kestrels will be leading a Red Nose Day assembly do join us if you can.

The children can come in non-uniform – something red.  We would ask for a donation of at least £1 for this.

The children can come to school with a funny decorated face and enter the funny face competition.  Again we would ask for a donation of at least £1 for this.

The children can bid to decorate a member of staff’s face (Mrs. Hillier, Mr Warburton, Ms Lee, Ms Nichols, Mrs McLaren or Mrs Littlehailes).  The children need to bring an envelope, or piece of paper with the name of the staff member their name and their bid.  We have explained to the children that the bid needs to be an amount they will actually pay!  The children could club together to put in a joint bid.  The child who puts in the highest bid for each member of staff will get to decorate that staff member’s face.


Next week is parent’s evening week.  The staff are doing the tricky sorting out of appointments today so you should receive your appointment time tonight or tomorrow.

If you haven’t sent in your order for a class photo and you would like one the orders are being picked up tomorrow, so it would need to be in first thing.

I hope the raffle tickets are proving to be a hit with all your friends and family.  If you need more tickets they are available from the office.

School run clubs finish this Friday until Monday 20th April.

Alice Littlehailes