St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you so much to all of you and to Mr Warburton – Red Nose Day was a fantastic day.  The children loved decorating the staff’s faces.  The children all looked fantastic, they had made such an effort.  Even better than that we raised £311.84 for comic relief.

Today is the last swim for Eagles.

Tomorrow 20th March Kites Class will be leading our Assembly.  The week after, Friday 27th,we will be in church for our Easter Service.  We would love you to join us for this.  It will start at around 9.20 – 9.30 once we have walked the children over from school.

The Girls Football Team did very well again last week winning most of their matches.  Tomorrow they have another set of matches.

On Monday the Merlins will be representing school at the High Peak Dance Festival.  They will be performing at Buxton Opera House.  The dance they have devised is moving and inspiring.  At one point they were seeing how many members of staff they could reduce to tears!  I can’t wait to see it on a proper stage.

The Sports Hall Athletics Squad has made it through to the county final and will be representing The High Peak.  They will be leaving school at 7.30 am to travel to derby on Tuesday. We all wish them good luck.

Tuesday is also the Easter Raffle and Tea.  This is a great event.  I know you have all been selling tickets madly, though it can’t have been too hard with the great prizes that are on offer.  If you have run out of tickets and would like more just ask the office.  Please return all slips and money by Friday as they have to be separated and folded by the elves.  I didn’t know elves ran on wine until I came here, you never stop learning.  The event itself will take place from 2pm.  We ask the children to bring in £1 for a drink and a cake.  You are also invited to join us for tea and cake.  During the afternoon the raffle will be drawn. If there are any Mary Berrys out there who would be able to bake for this event the PTA would be very grateful.  Just let the office or Georgina’s Mum know.

On Wednesday the Eagles leave for Whitby.  The forecast is looking good, sunshine and light showers, so they should have a great time looking at the Geography and History of this town.  Remember the children need to be at school slightly early as they will be leaving at 9am.  They do need a packed lunch.  Please don’t pack this in their main luggage or they will struggle to get it out at lunch time.  They will be back on Friday.

We finish for Easter on Friday 27th March and school reopens on Monday 13th April.

Alice Littlehailes