St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter.  It is lovely to see the children’s rested happy faces back ready to learn.
A number of people have raised concerns about lollies being given out as birthday treats to the children.  I would ask that they are not sent in to school.
Just to warn you to be extra alert, there seems to have been an increase in the amount of dog dirt on the routes to school.
School run Clubs restart on Monday (PAS and Gymnastics dates are sorted by them).
Monday –  Orchestra before school
Key Stage One Club
Arts and Crafts Club
Tuesday – Quest Club at Lunchtime
Science Club
Film Club
Gardening Club
Thursday – Drama Club

Swimming starts for Harriers on Thursday 23rd April.
On Friday 24th April the Eagles are spending the morning at Glossopdale.  Meeting at the Hadfield Site at 9.15.
There is a PTA meeting on Thursday 23rd 6.45 at The Cricket Club.  Do try and come if you can.
A couple of notices from the Cricket Club: tomorrow night they are having a quiz night if you are interested in entering a team of 4/6 ring 764366.        The Friday night coaching sessions for children in Year 1 upwards start on Friday 24th April.  Registration from 6.20pm, coaching 6.45 – 7.45.  I know this is a very popular activity that gets the children to a high standard in cricket.  If your child is interested do go along.
Dates for the term attached.  As ever dates may change so do keep an eye on the newsletter and the website.
Alice Littlehailes


Dates For The Summer Term 2015


Tuesday 21st       Glossop Pupil Forum

Quad Kids

Thursday 23rd     PTA meeting 6.45

Friday 24th           Y5 to Glossopdale


Friday 1st              Peregrine’s Assembly

Friday 8th              Glossopdale Primary Choir Festival

Monday 11th       SATs week starts

Thursday 14th     Sports Day 1.30pm

Friday 15th           Kestrel’s Assembly

Pamper Night

Tuesday 19th       No School run after school clubs

Thursday 21st     Plant Sale pick up day

Cross country 4pm

Friday 22nd           Take One Picture Assembly 2.00pm

Finish for half term


Thursday 4th       School reopens

Girl’s Cricket tournament

Friday 5th              Boy’s Cricket

PTA Scoot and Skate after school

Friday 12th           No family assembly

Tues 16th              Governing body Meeting 6pm

Friday 19th           Kites Assembly

Harriers to BBC Ten Pieces Concert

Tuesday 23rd      Rounders tournament

Summer Concert

Wednesday 24th Glossop Music Festival School’s Concert

Friday 26th           Osprey’s assembly

Saturday 27th      Family Fun Day

Tuesday 30th       Year 3/4 Production


Thursday 2nd       Last Swim

Friday 3rd             Bags 2 School Collection

Harrier’s Assembly

Friday 10th           Eagle’s assembly

Y6 Summer festival of sport

Tuesday 14th       Year 5/6 Production 7pm

Wednesday 15th Year 5/6 Production 2pm

Thursday 16th     Year 5/6 Production 5.30pm

Friday 24th           Leaver’s Assembly

Finish For Summer


Monday 7th         School reopens

Wednesday 9th New Reception Children Start


As ever these dates may change.