St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Firstly welcome to all the parents of children starting with us in September, this may be the first weekly newsletter you have had from us.  We are very pleased you are part of our St Luke’s family.
What a beautiful spring week it has been.  It is so nice to get the children out onto the field enjoying the sunshine. Unfortunately it looks as if we will be back in coats next week.
The Athletics squad were able to enjoy the sunshine at their competition on Tuesday.  Well done to all of them.
On Tuesday afternoon the Glossop pupil Forum met at school.  This is an opportunity for a few children from each school in the cluster to meet together and talk about the issues that affect the children of Glossop.  This time the children chose to talk about sporting opportunities in the area both collaborative and competitive.  Our representatives hosted a good meeting, so well done to them.

The Year 5s are spending Friday morning at Glossopdale Hadfield site.  They are meeting there at 9.15and walking back to school.

The next Choir performance is coming up soon, Friday 8th May.  This is a new festival organised by Glossopdale for the local primary schools.  The choir has had the chance to work with not only Mrs Hillier but a professional singing teacher.  If your child is in the choir please return the permission letter as soon as possible as we may need to rebalance the choir if some people cannot come.  In other words if lots of the children from one part are not able to come we will need to ask some children to learn a new part. Lets hope not as this is tricky.
There is a PTA meeting tonight 6.45 at the cricket club.  Please do join us if you can.
The closing date for plant orders for the PTA plant sale is next Thursday.  The plants are always of a very good quality – even I can manage to keep them going.  If you have lost your form or it has not made it home yet just ask in the office as we have spares.

Alice Littlehailes