St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,

We have been having a lovely time during Take One Picture Week exploring the many channels the picture Mr & Mrs Andrews takes us. I am looking forward to Friday afternoon when the children will be sharing some of what they have done. If you would like to join us at 2pm feel free.

You can tell it is walk to school week this week because it has been so wet! If you haven’t yet supported this event by walking at least part of the journey to school please try to.

The Osprey Class had a good time at the Summer Sports Festival on Friday. Thank you to St Philip Howard School for organising it.

The Pamper Night went well. There was a lovely atmosphere. The hall was decorated so well with very artistic touches. Thank you to everyone who helped with this.

The children who went to the sporting event at Buxton Dome yesterday had a great time. They won the award for the ‘Spirit of The Games’. Well done to all of them, I know the staff were very proud of them.

It is Plant Sale Pick up day today so make sure you collect any plants you have ordered.

We finish on Friday for half term. The children will return to school on Thursday 4th June. We will attempt to have sports day on Friday 5th June at 10am.

HELP we are very short of Friday toast making volunteers. If you might have an hour free on a Friday morning to make toast we need you to volunteer. If we do not get some more people able to be on the rota we may have to cancel toast.

Dinner money for next half term is £72.15. Can I remind you that dinner money must be paid in advance. If you are in arrears please settle your bill.

I hope you all have a lovely bank holiday.
Alice Littlehailes