St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Firstly my apologies to anyone who has received a strange email from me, unfortunately one of my school accounts has been infected with a virus.  The tech guys are sorting it out and hopefully you won’t receive any more.
As I am sure you have been told we have had ten births in school!  There are ten very cute chicks in the Year One Reception Classroom.
We have had a wonderful musical week over the last week.  The Harriers performed beautifully on Friday showing us just how much they had learned whilst having their wider opportunities lessons.  Please return the forms to let us know if they would like to continue learning any instrument next year as soon as possible.
The Harriers then went to Derby to listen to the BBC Ten Pieces Concert – an amazing experience.  As if that wasn’t enough they have been performing as part of the Glossop Music Festival to other schools.  If you would like to hear the concert they are part of you can on Saturday. It is at Old Glossop Parish Church at 11.30.  The performers need to be there at 10.15.
The children in the choir and who learn instruments performed at our summer concert.  It was a lovely event where everyone was given an opportunity to show off what they can do.  I was so impressed with the musicality of the children.
The children who took part in the rounders tournament had a good time.  Thank you to Mr Warburton for enabling the children to take part in this event.
Remember Saturday is our Family Fun Day 2-4 here at school.  I do hope as many of you as possible can come and support this event.
Next Tuesday is the Year 3s and 4s Sparkle and Shine performance at 7pm.  The children are asked to be at school for 6.40.  The doors will not be open until 6.30pm.  If you have a child in these classes and have not sent back in your ticket request letter please do so soon as possible.  We will be allocating spare tickets tomorrow and you may miss out.
The Ospreys are leading our assembly this Friday, Eagles will be leading it next Friday 3rd July.
The next Bag 2 school collection will be on Friday 3rd July in the morning.  Please bring in any old clothes or shoes.  We are sending bags home tonight but you can send textiles in any bag.
The children taking part in the Sponsored Swim managed 288 lengths between them.  An amazing achievement.  If you would like to make a donation there is still time.
Yours Sincerely
Alice Littlehailes