St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
I cannot believe I am writing the last newsletter of this academic year it doesn’t seem five minutes ago I was writing the first. It has been a good year with lots of high points.  The children have worked hard and have made progress.  The new curriculum has been a challenge for staff and pupils alike with raised expectations however everyone has risen to the challenge and is making good progress.  I have been so proud of all the school, the children have demonstrated what thoughtful, questioning young people they are,  able to respectfully stand up for what they believe in.  They have performed in theatre, dance, music, film and sporting arenas.  Their achievements have been acknowledged by many different people and organisations.  Everyone now deserves a good break.
Tomorrow we say goodbye to our Year 6 pupils.  They will lead an Assembly at 9.00 to which you are invited.  The day will be full of fun things to do including eating lunch together in a special leavers lunch, choosing their favourite songs for a whole school sing and having a party at 5pm at Kimberley’s.  We wish the children all well for the future and hope they will come back and let us know how they are doing.

We also are saying goodbye to some parents as their youngest child moves on.  Thank you so much for all the support you have given the school over the years.
As Friday is a full day with lots going on there will be no toast.
Exciting news about our Greatest Generation Film ‘Freedom does not come cheap’ it is the second most viewed film on the whole into film website only outstripped by their introductory film.  If you haven’t viewed it yet, or know someone who might enjoy seeing it is where it can be found.
The school has been awarded a Silver Schools Games Mark in recognition of the amount and quality of sport offered here.  A huge thank you goes out to all the parents who help make the competitions possible by transporting teams around.
The summer holiday is a long break without practicing the basic skills.  If you would like to encourage your child to not get rusty a great way to practice English, Phonics and Maths skills is to log onto Skoolbo.  Each child can access their own account to play these games which many children have already started using at school.  Download the Skoolbo UK app from click on ‘schools’ St Luke’s School code is: 665UR and the password is happyrobot 4 every child’s password has been set to Black Bee.  This is not to replace learning through play and enjoying downtime but a possibility for those moments when the weather is less than clement and boredom levels are rising.
We start back at school on Monday 7th September, the new reception children on Wednesday 9th.  Remember dinner money will be £2 per day.
I hope you all have a lovely summer.

Alice Littlehailes