St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I would like to start today’s newsletter with a huge congratulation to all the new Reception children, they have settled so well into school it feels as if they have been with us for ages not just a week. A big thank you goes out to all the year 6 pupils who have acted as buddies for them and helped make the new children feel so at home.

Last Friday, the children in Ospreys and Eagles went to Buxton for some cycling fun including watching the Tour of Britain race go by. They were sensibly watching just after a bend so they had some chance of seeing more than just a blur. They also saw some stunt riding and had a go on some balance bikes.

Next week is our RE week. This time we are exploring sacred spaces and what they mean to people of faith. Every class is visiting one or two places of worship. This is really important work to help us combat the intolerance and hatred we see in the world around us. The more we learn about different beliefs and customs the more we can appreciate everybody’s humanity.

Next week the children are also being treated to a performance of ‘The Jungle Book’ on Wednesday morning.

The afterschool clubs start next week. It is lovely to see so many children taking advantage of the many different activities offered.

Swimming starts for Year 6 on Thursday 24th September.

Friday next week is PTA scoot and skate night. The children can bring their scooters and skates and helmets into the playground to ride after school (not usually allowed). This is a fun event which helps raise funds for school. At the moment the PTA are raising funds for a bike an scooter shelter and new climbing equipment for the courtyard.

The Gardening Club were wondering if any of you were splitting your plants at this time of year and might be able to donate some to school. That sentence means nothing to me but I am told those of you who like gardening will understand.

I am very sad that again I am having to remind you about parking and the safety of all our children. We all have to comply with the laws of this land about parking. You must not park, on zig zag lines, on pavements or across drives. People have been parking in such a way that children are having to walk in the road. I do not want there to be an accident so please walk a little further and make us all a little safer.

Merlins Class will be leading the Assembly on Friday 18th do join us if you can.

I have been asked to pass on this message to you:

Children’s Worship Disco

Sunday 20th September 3-4.30pm at St James’ Church, Hollincross Lane Bring your best disco dancing moves and have fun praising God, in aid of Compassion, which aims to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. All children welcome, parents/carers must supervise their child. Donations to Compassion will be greatly received.

Alice Littlehailes