St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Welcome back after the summer. I hope you all enjoyed the extra time together. The children have all come back bright and shiny, which is lovely to see. They have had many tales to tell about how they spent their holidays from bravely setting out to a residential holiday on their own to raising money for toilets (more about this in the future). Well done to everyone who did something for the first time this holiday.

As you may be aware we hold elections for our Pupil Parliament with each class electing committee members and the whole school electing our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer. Yesterday we held hustings for those Year 6 pupils standing for election – WOW! I was so proud of each and every one of them, they demonstrated great courage, public speaking skills and understanding of the democratic process. I truly do not know how to vote today as they made the best speeches we have ever had.

It is also being a bit of a cycling start to the year with the Ospreys and the Eagles going to Buxton on Friday to take part in some special bike themed activities and watch the Tour of Britain go by. Letters should have come home for Years 5 & 6 who haven’t yet done their Bikeability training ( the old cycling proficiency), if your child did not bring a letter home and needs one please let us know.

The Glossop Jog, now renamed the Glossop Fun Run, is almost upon us it is on 4th October this year. If your child is interested in taking part, or you are, look out for the letter coming home soon.

After school clubs will start the week beginning 21st September a letter will be coming home to enable children to sign up for whichever clubs they would like to attend.

Tomorrow is the first toast Friday of the year. For those parents new to the school or who have forgotten, on most Fridays the children can have a piece of toast as a treat in exchange for 20p. The children love it and it helps raise a little bit of money for the school. The only way it is possible for the children to have toast is if some lovely parents come and make it. We are very short of volunteers for this and it would be a shame if it had to stop. If you could give up an hour on an occasional Friday morning to help please let the office or a member of the PTA committee know.

Talking of the PTA there is a meeting after family assembly tomorrow to welcome new parents. Please come if you can. Just to explain the assembly on a Friday is usually an open assembly with everyone welcome to come and join us. This Friday there will be coffee and cake and a PTA meeting afterwards.

Just a quick reminder about dinner money. Dinners are £2 per day for those children in Key Stage 2 £10 per week, £70 to half term, £140 to Christmas. Weekly dinner money needs to be sent into school on a Monday, you can pay for the whole half term / term in advance if that suits you. Dinner money should not be paid in arrears because school cannot carry the debt.

The dates should be attached to this newsletter, as ever dates may change so keep an eye on the newsletter.

If you do not already receive this newsletter by email and would like to please let us know.


Alice Littlehailes


Term Dates 15/16

Friday 23rd October finish for half term                                  Monday 2nd November return to school

Friday 18th December Finish for Christmas                           Monday 4th January return to school

Friday 12th February finish for half term                                Monday 22nd February return to school

Thursday 24th March finish for Easter                                    Monday 11th April return to school

Friday 27th May finish for half term                                        Thursday 9th June return to school

Tuesday 26th July finish for summer                                      Wednesday 7th September return to school




Friday 18th                   Merlins Class leading Assembly

Monday 21st                Y3/4 trip

Clubs start

Tuesday 22nd              Y5/6 trip

Reception visit to church

Wednesday 23rd          Jungle Book production in school

Thursday 24th              Bikeability starts

Ospreys trip

Swimming starts

Friday 25th                   Scoot and skate

Monday 28th                European day of Languages


Thursday 1st                PTA AGM 7.30 Glossop Cricket Club

Friday 2nd                    Harvest festival 9.15 church

Sunday 4th                  Glossop Fun Run

Choir performing with Glossop Old Band 2-4pm

Friday 9th                     Ospreys leading assembly

Thursday 15th              Challenge afternoon

Friday 16th                   PTA Disco

Tuesday 20th               Parents evening

Wednesday 21st          Parents evening

Friday 23rd                   Peregrines leading assembly

Popcorn and finish for half term



Monday 2nd                 Return to school

Monday 9th                  Year 6 to Whitehall

Wednesday 11th          Year 6 return

Friday 13th                   Kestrels leading assembly

Year 4 sleep over

Friday 20th                   Kites leading assembly

Tuesday 24th               Open afternoon

Friday 27th                   Eagles leading assembly

Saturday 28th              Choir singing in Norfolk Square


Thursday 3rd                Last swim

Friday 4th                     Harriers leading assembly

After school clubs finish

Wednesday 9th            Christmas Play afternoon performance

Thursday 10th              Christmas Play evening performance

Friday 11th                   Christmas dinner

PTA Christmas Fair

Tuesday 15th               Y5/6 Party

Wednesday 16th          Y3/4 Party

Thursday 17th              Reception / Y1/2 Party

Friday 18th                   Carol Service

Finish for Christmas



Monday 4th                  Term starts