St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had an amazing RE week with visits to many different sacred spaces. The children have visited a cathedral, a mosque, a Buddhist centre, the Jewish museum, and St Luke’s Church. They have been made very welcome in every location and have learnt a lot about the similarities and differences between religions.

The production of ‘The Jungle Book’ was enjoyed by all on Wednesday. The children learnt songs to join in with, howled like wolves and some of the children were chosen by the cast to help play parts. Every child in the audience was captivated by the performance. The snake was an especial hit.

Tomorrow is ‘scoot and skate’ after school remember helmets and wheels! This is usually a very enjoyable hour after school and the weather forecast is good i.e. dry.

We are celebrating Harvest Festival on Friday 2nd October in Church please join us. We will be there as soon as we have managed to walk everyone across which is usually about 9.20ish. Please do join us at church. This year we are taking a collection for Toilet Twinning. Four of our pupils have been inspired over the summer to support this charity which aims to bring sanitation to the whole world. They have suggested the school support this work which the charities department of our parliament very happily agreed to.

Saturday 4th October sees both us participating in the Glossop Fun Run (Glossop jog) and singing at St Luke’s Church. If your children or you want to take part in the Fun Run there is still time to sign up just let the office know.

Please can the choir children return their letters about the concerts on the 4th and November 28th. We have over 50 members of the choir and have only had 10 letters returned.

The PTA AGM is fast approaching, it is on Thursday 1st October 7.30pm at Glossop Cricket Club. Every parent at school is a member of the PTA and we would really like to see you at meetings.

I have been asked some questions about school uniform so let me just clarify things. The uniform is white polo shirt, red sweatshirt or cardigan and grey trousers/shorts/skirt or pinafore dress, and sensible school shoes. Red polo shirts are not uniform nor are black or grey cardigans. The only jewellery that may be worn a watch and a single set of plain stud earrings that must be taken out for PE or swimming. Make up including nail varnish is not uniform. PE kit is pumps, black shorts and a white t-shirt, if your child has plain shorts and a plain t-shirt that is fine, football shirts and crop tops are not uniform and not suitable. They also need trainers for outside. When it gets colder some of the children like to have tracksuit bottoms or leggings for outdoor PE. Children in Reception do not need to worry about PE kit at the moment.

Alyssa’s Dad has asked me to ask if anyone has seen her cardigan, it is a red ‘George’ cardigan size 13/14.


Alice Littlehailes