St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Yes it is October already! Where is this year going to? But what a glorious end of September we have had. Clear blue skies, warm sun and cool nights causing the leaves to start to produce their vibrant autumn colours. The Peregrines enjoyed finding signs of autumn in the park on Tuesday. Once I see the trees changing I think of Harvest festival. Ours is tomorrow in St Luke’s Church at about 9.20/30, please join us if you can. This year we are thinking about the people in the world without access to a toilet which causes many health problems. We will be taking a collection for the charity toilet twinning, if you would like to send a contribution your child can bring a donation of anything from £1 to £100! If you would like to find out more about the work of the charity, or maybe twin your toilet! Information can be found at

Today we are welcoming Mrs Louise Patterson into school to carry out a Church School Inspection, I know everyone will make her very welcome.

Tonight it is the PTA AGM at Glossop Cricket Club at 7.30. I hope to see lots of you there.

We have a very busy weekend coming up with The Glossop Jog on Sunday morning. It starts at 11am, runners need to be there by 10.45. If you haven’t signed up and want to there is time, if you fancy cheering on those running please come out to support them. Then on Sunday afternoon the choir will be singing at St Luke’s Church 3-5pm. Can the choir members meet there at 2.45 in school uniform. I have had a sneak preview and they are sounding lovely, please come if you can – details below.

Mr Dunkerley has very kindly offered to run Year 5/6 Boys football on Monday lunchtimes starting next week. The boys need to bring in their PE kit including boots and shin pads.

Next week on Thursday and Friday the second group doing Bikeability will have their training, I hope the weather is as nice for them as it was for the first group.


On Sunday 4 October 3-5pm at St Luke’s Church on Fauvel Road, you are invited to come along to a FANTASTIC family afternoon concert by Glossop Old Band with St Luke’s School choir.   The music is geared towards families and children, with songs and music that includes Disney favourites, cartoon classics and highlights from shows and films. Costs of the tickets are £5 (£2.50 for concession) this includes refreshments during the interval. Come along for a great musical extravaganza. Tickets available from the School Office.


Alice Littlehailes