St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
The Glossop Jog – sorry Fun Run – on Sunday was fantastic I was so impressed with all our runners and fallers.  There was a great turn out and everyone did well, the number of laps run in an hour was truly impressive 385 in total!  Thank you to the PTA who ran a lovely stall to revive the runners and spectators.  Please can you return any sponsor money to school as soon as possible as the children are all eager to get their certificates which are not issued by Rotary until all the money is in.
As if that was not enough fun for one Sunday we were also treated to a great concert on Sunday afternoon.  Glossop Old Band and our choir performed songs from the movies.  It was so nice to see the children captivated by the sound the band made and then look so proud as they performed.  Thank you to everyone who took part or supported this, a special thank you to Stephenie Leung who accompanied the choir.
The Church School Inspection went well on Thursday, I will be able to tell you more once the report is published in a few weeks but the inspector did share with me how impressed she was with the children and the way they genuinely enjoyed being together.  Hopefully this bodes well for a good report.  Thank you to everyone who was involved in this process.
The Harvest Festival on Friday went well and the children were flushed with success raising enough to twin four toilets.
On Monday the Girls in Key stage two were offered the opportunity to take part in a football skills session at Glossopdale, run with Glossop North End.  A good time was had by all.  Then on Tuesday our cyclocross team came third in their tournament.  I hope both football teams have fun and do well on Friday.
I hope you can join us on Friday morning when Osprey’s will be leading our Assembly.
You should have received a letter yesterday inviting you to book an appointment to attend a Parents evening on Tuesday 20th or Wednesday 21st October.  If you didn’t get it let us know.
I need to give a couple of reminders about important safety rules.  The traversing wall in the playground is designed for climbing along not up.  Please do not let your child climb to the top as there is no safety flooring under it.  Also the bank is out of bounds to the children as there have been injuries caused by children falling on it.  Thank you for helping us keep the children safe.
We have a few very small jumpers left, size 24”, if you can use them please see the office.
Alice Littlehailes