St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you very much for your generosity, school raised over £200 for Children in Need.

Today is World Toilet Day and it seems a good day to remind you of the difference you have made to Sanitation around the world. There are four communities who now have access to a safe toilet thanks to you. I know a number of families are twinning their own toilet with one needed in the third world increasing the number of communities benefiting from improved sanitation.

Well done to the Year Fours who bravely came back to school for a sleepover on Friday. I know they all had a great time and were very proud of their achievement. It is no small thing to sleep away from home with a group, but now they are ready to embrace the opportunities offered by longer residentials in Years 5 & 6.

Our mud larks, or cross country team as they are more often known, did really well on Tuesday coming sixth in the High Peak. Thank you to Mr Warburton and the parents that made this possible. I do hope the mud comes out of your cars!

This week has been anti bullying week. We have been focusing in on online safety. If you would like more information about keeping your children safe online the NSPCC website has lots of good information. Their netaware page includes information about sites your children may talk about going on which you, and defiantly I, have little knowledge of. If you want to check if something is appropriate this is a good place to start. I am attaching the use of IT agreement that we ask the children to sign up to so you can see the rules we have at school.

Remember next Tuesday is open afternoon when anyone who would like to come and see the school at work is very welcome to pop in between 1.30 -3.00. Do let anyone applying for a place next year know about this event.

Parents of our fabulous choir members please remember to return the slip to let us know you have received the letter about the festive bookings!

Peak Performers Choir is looking for new members. This is a choir of young people aged 7-13 that meet on Wednesdays between 6-7 at Partington Theatre Club Room to sing together. If your child is interested more information can be found by ringing the choir director Brenda Pickford on 01457 856851 / 07975856424

There was a brief and windswept PTA meeting this week. It was mainly looking at arrangements for the Christmas Fair on Friday 11th December 5-6.30. If you are available and would like to help with this event please let the office know.

Alice Littlehailes

ICT Pupil Acceptable Use Policy Agreement

The school will try to ensure that pupils will have good access to ICT to enhance their learning and will, in return, expect the pupils to agree to be responsible users.
Acceptable Use Policy Agreement
I understand that I must use school ICT systems in a responsible way, to ensure that there is no risk to my safety or to others.
For my own personal safety:
• I understand that the school will monitor my use of the ICT systems
• I will treat my username and password like my toothbrush – I will not share it, nor will I try to use any other person’s username and password.
• I will be aware of “stranger danger”, when I am communicating on-line.
• I will not disclose or share personal information about myself or others when on-line.
• I will tell an adult if I see any unpleasant or inappropriate material or messages or anything that makes me feel uncomfortable on-line.
I will act as I expect others to act toward me:
• I will respect others’ work and property and will not access, copy, remove or otherwise alter any other user’s files.
• I will be polite and responsible when I communicate with others, I will not use strong, aggressive or inappropriate language.
• I will not take or send images of anyone without their permission.
• I will only use my personal hand held / external devices (mobile phones / USB devices etc) in school if I have permission
• I will not install or attempt to install programmes of any type on a machine, or store programmes on a computer, nor will I try to alter computer settings.

I understand that I am responsible for my actions, both in and out of school:
• I understand that the school also has the right to take action against me if I am involved in incidents of inappropriate behaviour, that are covered in this agreement, when I am out of school and where they involve my membership of the school community
• I understand that if I fail to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy Agreement, I will be subject to disciplinary action. This may include loss of access to the school network / internet, suspensions and contact with parents.
Student / Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement Form

Please complete the sections below to show that you have read, understood and agree to the rules included in the Acceptable Use Agreement. If you do not sign and return this agreement, access will not be granted to school ICT systems.

I have read and understand the above and agree to follow these guidelines when:
• I use the school ICT systems and equipment (both in and out of school)
• I use my own equipment out of school in a way that is related to me being a member of this school eg communicating with other members of the school, accessing school email, VLE, website etc.
Name of Student / Pupil (print please)

Signed Date