St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It was lovely to have so many visitors on Tuesday for our open afternoon. I hope all of you who came enjoyed seeing school at work.

Congratulations to the football teams who are braving all sorts of weather to play in the Friday league. I know the hope is to finish all the matches this Friday. We are all eagerly awaiting the final result.

Letters have gone out this week about tickets for the Christmas play staring all the children in Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys. If the letter did not make it home, I found some in the entrance hall, let us know so we can give you another. Remember you need to get this letter in by Monday 30th as spare tickets will be allocated after this date.

Some parents have asked if their child needs to be at the performance if their parent is not watching it. All the children have an important part to play and if someone is not there it spoils it for all the other children and parents. Please make sure they are at every performance. If any of the performances are a problem for you please let us know as soon as possible and we will try to help.

Eagles are leading our Assembly this Friday, 27th November and Harriers the week after 4th December.

The choir are singing in Norfolk Square on Saturday at about 3.50 as part of the lights switch on celebrations. Do come and support them if you can.

On the morning of Tuesday 1st December the children in Ospreys are going to a multi skills event at Glossop Leisure Centre. Please could they be at school by 8.50 in their PE kit on that morning. We will open the doors at 8.40 to give them time to get changed. They will be back in school in time for lunch.

You should have received a flyer about a Christingle Service at St Luke’s Church on Thursday 3rd December straight after school, doors open at 3.45. Christingle services are a lovely part of the run up to Christmas so do go if you can.

Congratulations to Mrs Hillier who has been awarded Specialist Leader in Education status by the Department for Education in recognition of the quality of her work in Early Years. This means she will help other schools provide the high quality provision she does. We are all delighted for her.

All out of school clubs will finish on Friday 4th December and not restart until the week beginning 11th January. Gardening Club will not restart until the spring.

Alice Littlehailes