St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Well unbelievably here we are in December again with the busy season of advent well and truly started. Our choir started it off for us in fine style at the Glossop lights switch on. Despite torrential rain, howling gales and technical hitches they sang like little angels and did us proud. Congratulations to them and the parents and supporters who braved the weather to listen to them. If you didn’t manage to catch their performance they will be singing again at the Christmas fair, the carol service, the Methodist Church Christmas tree festival (11am Friday 18th) and St Luke’s Church Candlelight Carol Service 6.30 Sunday 20th.

The footballers were also braving the weather on Friday night. The final results of the tournament are still not in but our boys accredited themselves very well. Thank you to everyone who helped make their participation possible especially Mr Warburton and Mr Dunkerley and the parents who provided transport and touchline support.

The younger children are preparing for their performance next week with the Thursday performance sold out and only a few remaining tickets for the Tuesday and Wednesday.

Harriers are leading our assembly this Friday so do join us if you can.

Remember after school clubs finish this week and do not restart until the week beginning 11th January.

We have been offered a free trial of a texting service so please make sure we have the right mobile number for you. If you are not sure we have send it in to the office.

The houses have again excelled themselves with the Christmas trees they have made. If you get the chance to pop into the hall to see them please do so. There are six very different but all very stunning trees.

Remember next Friday 11th is both Christmas dinner day and the PTA Christmas Fair. If your child usually has packed lunch make sure you have booked a dinner for this day. It is a lovely event when the children and staff eat together, pull crackers, complete a quiz and enjoy each other’s company.

In the last week of term we have the Christmas parties Y5/6 on Tuesday 15th, Y3/4 on Wednesday and Reception Y1/2 on Thursday. On the day of their party the children can come in party clothes or get changed at lunchtime. Please remember when planning outfits that the children will be having a normal school day in the morning.

We finish for Christmas with our traditional carol service on Friday 18th at about 9.15/20. Please do join us for this very special event.

Mr Montgomery will be leaving us at Christmas we will be welcoming a new teacher Mr Cooke in January. Mr Montgomery has worked at St Luke’s for a lot of years and taught many of your children. If you would like to send a donation in towards a leaving gift please do so in a marked envelope by Friday 11th December.

Alice Littlehailes