St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We have had yet another fantastic week with the children learning so much from a wide variety of experiences.

As part of RE week we have welcomed Sarah Salam from a mosque in Manchester, representatives from St Luke’s Church and Bishop Libby Lane from Stockport to talk to us about sacred books. The children have explored what a holy book means to people of faith and how they are used in daily life. They have compared and contrasted stories from different traditions and been inspired by the story of the first female Bishop in this country.

The children have thought of questions for Tim Peak and filmed some of them. We hope our school gets chosen to take part in a live link question and answer session with him from the space station.
On Friday representatives from Taylor Wimpy are coming to talk to all the children about safe and dangerous places to play especially the dangers of building sites.

Remember next Thursday 28th January is Bag 2 School day, please bring in all your unwanted textiles that morning.

29th January it is the Year 4 clarinet concert at just after 9am you are all invited to come and listen to just how much they have learned.

The next disco is fast approaching it is on Friday 5th February. The theme is colours of the rainbow start looking out your brightly coloured clothes.

Like all areas, Derbyshire is very short of foster carers. There is a drop in session for anyone who is even vaguely thinking about the possibility of becoming a foster carer. It is on Tuesday 26th January at St. Thomas Centre, Chatsworth Road, Brampton, Chesterfield S40 3AW between 3 – 7pm. You can just drop in, speak to foster carers, bring family and friends. There is free parking. You don’t need an appointment but if you would like to talk to someone about it call 0800 083 77 44.

Alice Littlehailes