St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

This week has been big write week and the children have all been busy writing Thank You letters. I am really looking forward to seeing who they are thanking and for what.

Your child should have brought home the words for this year’s House Verse speaking Challenge. This is a choral speaking competition, the whole house perform two poems together. One of the poems is chosen by me that everyone learns and one by the house. Every year it seems like a huge ask to expect the children to learn all those words but every year they surprise us. Please help your child to learn the words.

The work on the electrics and ceilings is progressing well. The rooms that are finished look very smart. The children are coping really well with the disruption caused by this necessary work.

Both Choir and Year 6 have brought home letters about forthcoming events. Please return the slips as soon as possible so we know who is able to represent the school.

Tomorrow 29th January it is the Year 4 clarinet concert at just after 9am you are all invited to come and listen to just how much they have learned.

The next disco is on Friday 5th February. The theme is colours of the rainbow.

This year’s Fairtrade competition has been announced. This year it is any piece of artwork on an A4 piece of paper or card the only stipulation is it must include the Fairtrade Mark. The children could make a Fairtrade superhero or design it round Fairtrade products. It could be based on this year’s slogan ‘Sit down for breakfast stand up for farmers.’ On the back needs to be your child’s full name, age, school and home phone number lightly in pencil. Any entries need to be returned to the school office by Friday 4th March. Our children have often done really well in this competition.

Alice Littlehailes