St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that we are almost at the half term holiday it doesn’t seem two minutes ago that we were coming back after Christmas. The building work is progressing well the office area should be finished this week and then they are moving on to Key Stage One. Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we have been at sixes and sevens.

Thank you to the people who helped with the Disco on Friday it was yet another great PTA event. I know the children enjoyed it because they are still talking about it.

It was lovely to welcome Glossop Rotary into our assembly on Monday to award certificates to the runners. As a school we raised over £1,000 for them. Well done to everyone involved.

There is no clarinet session tomorrow so the children do not need to bring in their instruments.

Class Photos are on the first Wednesday we come back which is 24th February.

Tickets for the concert with Kinder Choir can now be ordered from school. They cost £8, £6 concessions and £4 for children. Kinder choir have sent through this message;

‘We appreciate this will be Mother’s day but we think the concert is a great way for the children to entertain their families. The Pavilion Gardens is offering an afternoon tea deal for our audience after the concert. I have attached the flyer. Booking in advance is essential. All Mothers of children in the concert will be offered a complimentary glass of Prosecco with their afternoon tea if mentioned when reserving a table.’

If you are feeling sluggish whilst waiting for spring to get here, if you are looking to do a little more exercise but don’t know where to start, if the thought of the gym makes you reach for another chocolate biscuit and the thought of running in the cold and rain makes you dive under the duvet then the classes here at school might be just what you are looking for. They are drop in sessions on Monday 6.30-7.30 Body Conditioning Class, Wednesday 6-7 Pilates, 7-8 Aerobics, 8-9 Pilates. Each hour costs £5. The classes are led by Stuart who is not only a very knowledgeable and experienced coach but also a stand-up comedian. If you would like to try out one of the fun, friendly, fitness classes just come along and see if it is for you.

We finish for half term on Friday and will be back on Monday 22nd February. I hope you have a good week.

Alice Littlehailes