St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The children have had a huge treat this week. They have visited St James’ Church to be immersed in the Easter story. Whitfield Parish have very generously organised The Bible Encounter Trust to transform the church into biblical Jerusalem. A story teller has taken them through the scenes of Holy Week. It has been described as like being at the theatre except you are in the set. The children have been mesmerised by the experience, listening with awe and wonder. Thank you so much to the parish for giving us such an inspiring encounter.

You would have been so proud of all the children on Friday they coped magnificently with the snow. When we took them outside they played so well with each other it was a real pleasure to enjoy the snow with them. Hopefully however that is it for the snow for this year.

Huge congratulations to the choir who sang their little hearts out on Sunday and were a credit to the school. I know they all enjoyed the experience of singing with a choir of international renown. If your child is interested in joining kinder Choir just let me know and I can give you details.

The Peregrines had a lovely wintery walk to the park on Monday; they all came back with glowing cheeks and huge smiles.

Good luck to our teams competing over the next few days, the gymnastics squad on Friday, the girls football team also on Friday and the sportshall athletics squad who are in a final on Monday.

On Tuesday Miss Byron and I will be going to London with last year’s Year 6 as the film they made ‘Freedom Does Not Come Cheap’ has been nominated for an award. Many congratulations to them.

School run Clubs finish tomorrow Friday 11th March until 18th April. PAS and Gymnastics are organised separately and will finish on 21st / 22nd March.

Friday 18th March is Sport Relief day when the children can come to school in sporty clothes for a donation. They could also decorate a sock and fill it with loose change. There will be a prize for the best dressed sock.

On Wednesday 23rd March at 5.30 we will hold a parents meeting for the Year 5 Whitby Trip.

The authority’s Improvement and Scrutiny People Committee wants to understand people’s awareness and understanding of child sexual exploitation. Residents – as well as organisations that help safeguard children – are being encouraged to contribute. The link to the consultation is below.

Click Here

Alice Littlehailes